The Rules!
-You may play as many horses as you like... however don't have so many that you cannot keep them all active
-NO Mythicals (unicorns, flying horses, dragons, ect)
-Only horses, though I will allow a burro sometimes.
-One stallion per herd, per territory
-The stallion may have as many mares as he likes
-The stallion cannot force a mare to join his herd, unless he wins her in a challenge or
he sneaks her, and in those cases she is forced to live in his territory for 7 days, and when
that time is up she may leave again
-A colt turns into an unranked stallion when he is two
-The rankings in a herd are as follows **
Alpha/Lead Stallion
Alpha/Lead Mare
Beta Mare
Cigma Mare
Delta Mare
Herd Mares
Un-ranked stallions
Pregnant Mares
-Only stallions may own territories
-When there are more members, I will make more territories. Feel free to request a
territory by emailing me. Make sure to tell me your stallion's name, the territory's
name, and a good description (about a paragraph long, and I may edit it)
-A territory can be challenged for every 10 days
-The challenge outcome doesn't have anything to do with the strength of the stallion...
its all done by the roll of a dice
-No one can argue once the ownership of the territory is stated. Results are final
-All challenges must be made in the Challenging board
-Stallion challenges: Post your stallion's name, the name of the stallion he is challenging,
and the territory or mare's name he is challenging for
-Mare challenges: Post your mare's name, the name of the mare she is challenging, the
territory that you both live in, and the rank you are challenging for
-Stallions may only challenge other stallions
-Mares may only challenge other mares
-Stallions may challenge for the ownership of a mare and/or territory
-Mares may challenge for rankings in the herd, only if they belong to THAT herd.
-All results based on the roll of a die
-A stallion may be challenged every 7 days for his territory and/or mare.
-A mare may be challenged for her ranking in the herd by the same challenger every 7 days
-A mare can only be challenged for her ranking in the herd every 3 days (by different mares
who have not challenged for her position before)
-No powerplaying, like " The ebon steed bashed his skull open " or, " The enraged stallion kicked him over the cliff's edge "
-All challenges are decided by Matesos Jewel, Kara(Me), or Damis Ferar(Toppy)
-Only stallions can sneak mares
-A mare can only be snuck if she belongs to a herd
-Mares may be snuck under practically any circumstances... even if they're pregnant
-If the stallion who owns the mare replies to the sneak within 3 days, the sneak fails and the
mare goes back to her original stallion
-NO one may tell the stallion that his mare is being sneaked, even the snuck femme herself. If
she goes and tells her stallion that she has been snuck, then the stallion who sneaks her
then owns her for 7 days.
-If a sneak fails, the stallion may try to sneak her again in 7 days if he wishes
-If the sneak succeeds, the stallion who had her stolen from him may sneak her back in 7 days,
or challenge for her in 3
-If the sneak succeeds and the stallion makes no attempt or fails all attempts to get her back,
and she still wants to go back to him, she may leave the stallion who snuck her in 7 days
-There is not limit to the number of sneaks you may do
-No sneaking if the stallion or mare is paused
-If you must be descriptive, use the word "process"
-Mare has the foal 3-7 days after the breeding
-Post the foal's stats in the Breeding Thicket
-Foals age a year every 15 days or so, until they are 3. Then the player controls how fast
they age.
-A stallion may breed with a mare that is not in his herd (she may be a loner or in another
stallion's herd). Mares do not have to be loyal
to their stallions if they do not wish. But if
her stallion finds out she can get in some trouble from him!
-No graphic stuff or bad use of language. If anyone fails to abide this rule, they risk being banned!
Joining as a human
-Okay like in real life you can have a bf/gf just don't do too graphic of stuff please this should be for younger kids too.
-You can go to TTs and attempt to capture horses, BUT you can only own 5 horses per human!
-If you go to the joining board and in 3 days the mare or stallion has no herd then you can automatically 'claim' them!
-You stay at The Palace.